All about poi

You might be familiar with the Māori art of “poi“, the dextrous dance movements that use balls on cord.

According to some, poi was once used by men to strengthen their wrists for battle but nowadays it is used to demonstrate skill. These poi are made from plastic covering an inner core of foam or paper, with a woollen tassel, but before these modern materials poi were made from natural materials.

Poi is a sport that is highly valued in Aotearoa. It is surprisingly difficult to get two balls on string to swing accurately and precisely, but, as they say, practice makes perfect. Poi has now spread across the globe and, with the addition of LED lights, fire and other elements, it is very different from its origins.

The first step to learning poi is to make the tools. Once you have your poi it is time to use them. Nowadays there are plenty of ways to learn online, but I have found that learning poi is easier if you can find someone to demonstrate and teach you.

Read more:,of%20rhythmical%20and%20geometric%20patterns.



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