The Way We Wore

An insightful and fascinating series on Netflix at the moment explores the evolution and history of fashion in Australia.

Presented by Celeste Barber and made in 2023, The Way We Wore is a three-part series that takes a chronological look at how fashion has influenced history Down Under and has helped to create the modern nation. The first programme, Media, features Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders amongst other Australian designers, in wonderfully tear-making interviews discussing the media portrayal of fashion events and people. In the second, Politics, fashion as weapon and statement is the topic and there are some real insights into the important political movements of the 20th and 21st Centuries. The third programme is called

To see The Way We Wore click on this link, or search for the programme on Netflix. There is also an episode on YouTube (although this might only be available in certain regions).

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