The blog this week

This weekend we are going to a high-country farm, Mount White Station, for a tour of the operation and to meet some of the people who work there.

Mount White is in the central part of the South Island, roughly midway between the East and West Coast and lies across the Waimakariri, a river that rejoices in the Māori name that means “cold water” or “cold running water”. The Waimakariri (often shortened to “the Waimak” in conversation) is one of Aotearoa’s braided rivers and it carves it way through the foothills on the way to the ocean on the East Coast. The photograph below shows the road bridge over the wide plain that the river has created at the bottom of the mountains.

The station is along a gravel road and has no fences because it lies in a valley with mountains on all sides. That will give you some indication of its size – 40,000 hectares!

There will be more about the weekend at Mount White Station on next week’s blog.






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