In 1984, Peter Collingwood, the British weaver who was the first living craftsperson to have work exhibited in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, visited Auckland.
The New Zealand Spinners, Weavers and Woolcraft Society toured a British Council exhibition of textile art that included the weaver’s work. The exhibition in Aotearoa included local weavers from Auckland, and it opened in October. This is a selection of photographs from the event with its very 1980s vibe! Peter Collingwood was in attendance as well as various members of the Auckland Weavers. The work on display was for sale – it would be interesting to find out where it ended up.
Te Tuhi is an arts organisation in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland that supports artists through studio space, residencies and exhibitions. It also offers training opportunities and has a catalogue of exhibitions from 1984 to date.
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