Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a celebration that is marked by the birthdays of famous abolitionist Americans: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

Black History Month is recognised in the North America, Europe and Africa, and in the USA the annual event has a theme. This year it is “African Americans and Labor

The music, fashion and beauty industries are completely interwoven with black histories, yet information about the people who have been part of that history is often incomplete. These days black musicians, designers, artists and creatives are more visible but there is a long way to go still, and fashion especially still struggles with the fine line between appreciation and appropriation.

On the catwalk and in the beauty industry though, there are now more black models and designers, and that can only be A Good Thing. In Supreme Models, a film made by YouTube Originals and available on Netflix, the history of these trailblazing pioneers is shown in six parts that range across a variety of topics from the rise of the supermodel to racism and social injustice. It is an engrossing series of short films that uses archive material as well as interviews with contemporaries and their modern-day counterparts to showcase struggle and success in these highly competitive industries, and to reveal hidden stories and people who have contributed to that world.

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