Category: Music
This week’s playlist
Each week a playlist of music and sound is curated to go along with the blog entries. Each of the tracks has something to do with the blog although sometimes the connections might be obscure! To listen you can either click on the player above or head over to Spotify online or via app where…
What’s on the playlist?
This week’s Spotify tracks are: Aboriginal Lullaby by Basque Brandt and Maryasque together make Basque, a New York duo that formed in the 1990s. This song appears to be a version of Inanay, the song performed by Tiddas in the YouTube short on this link. Blue Gums Calling Me Back Home by Roger Knox This…
The Spotify playlist
Each week a playlist of audio is curated on Spotify. The playlist reflects the items on the blog, although sometimes the link may be somewhat obscure! To listen click on the player above or search for “Music to read a blog by” in the Spotfy app or website. If you are pay for a subscription…
Of Corvids
There are no native crows, magpies or other corvids in New Zealand Aotearoa. Long ago there were ravens in the country but nowadays the only crows that are seen are rooks, introduced by that most New Zealand of organisations: the Acclimitisation Societies. The New Zealand magpie is actually nothing of the sort. It is not…
What is on Spotify this week?
This week the playlist features… Southern Alps by Gary Daverne Gary Daverne is a composer and conductor with the distinction of being New Zealand’s most prolific arranger and composer of music for accordion. This piece, Ka Puke Maeroero, is a tone poem that evokes the mountains of Te Waipounamu/ The South Island of Aotearoa. Driving…
This week’s playlist
Each week a playlist of audio is curated to go along with the blog. The entries on the playlist have something to do with the articles on the blog although it is not always obvious what that link might be. To listen click on the player above or head over to Spotify and search for…
The listening tracks this week
The playlist this week features: Safari by John Barry. British composer, John Barry, was known for his prolific output for film music. This track comes from Out of Africa, the cinematic rendition of Karen Blixen‘s famous memoir about her life in East Africa in the first decades of the Twentieth Century. That Happy Feeling by…
Spotify – the playlist
Each week a curated playlist of audio goes along with the blog. A separate blog post about has been reinstated this week that describes the tracks and why they have been included in the list. Paying subscribers to Spotify, the platform that hosts the list, can hear all the tracks by clicking on the player…
Black History Month
February is Black History Month, a celebration that is marked by the birthdays of famous abolitionist Americans: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Black History Month is recognised in the North America, Europe and Africa, and in the USA the annual event has a theme. This year it is “African Americans and Labor“ The music, fashion…
The Spotify playlist
Each week’s blog is accompanied by a playlist on the streaming platform: Spotify. The playlist is curated from across Spotify to reflect the articles on the blog. Sometimes the link is obvious, sometimes it is more oblique. To listen click on the player above or search for “Music to read a blog by” on the…