Category: Travel
Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi
Venice has long been known for its music, art and artists. In the narrow route along a canal that leads past Peggy Guggenheim’s gallery of European and American art is a small shop with windows that tell of the artistic eye of Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi. Enchanting and wondrous, this shop is a destination for the…
Venice and the Biennale (Part One)
Taking place in the beautiful city of Venice with its picturesque canals, boats and bridges as well as its plethora of fine buildings, the Biennale 2024 is thought-provoking and surprising. Spread across the city, the main venues of the exhibition are the Arsenale and Giardini, the former a naval shipyard and the latter, as the…
Home again
We are home again after our overseas trip and what a trip it was! Over the next few weeks I shall share some of the exciting things we saw in Venice at the Art Biennale, in London, Shetland, and Athens. You can see a few of the things we have seen in the slideshow at…
Lobola – negotiating an African wedding
Thank you to our South African reader who sent this in to share. In Africa, weddings are often marked by a “bride price” – a payment that signals the negotiations for the joining together of two families. Lobola is a cultural practice that differs across the continent, and in South Africa it is often part…
Conversation and Cloth – Hokitika
The West Coast of Aotearoa New Zealand is full of history and tales. In the middle of the Southern Winter, as the world turns and seasons change, a star cluster rises in the sky. This is known in New Zealand as Matariki, a shortened version of “Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea” (the eyes of the…
A tapa sampler
The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Aotearoa’s national museum, has a unique taonga: a book of tapa samples. This book, rather grandly entitled “A Catalogue of the different specimens of cloth collected in the three voyages of Captain Cook, to the Southern hemisphere : with a particular account of the manner of the…
How technology can help Cantonese opera
In the city of Hong Kong the centuries-old art of Cantonese opera is making use of technology to help students to learn the artform and sustain it. Professor Leung Bo Wah, Head of Cultural and Creative Art at the Education University of Hong Kong, has created a virtual reality programme, using the same 3D imaging…
African fashion in Australia
At the end of this month, the National Gallery of Victoria is hosting an exhibition of African fashion, curated by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The exhibition will be supported, it is hoped, by photographs from Australian communities with links to the diaspora, particularly those from the independence and liberation period (mid-1950s to…
Paradise Road
On the 27th April 1994, the first democratic elections in South Africa were held, ultimately leading to Nelson Mandela becoming President. It was a time of hope and positive change was in the air. There was jubilation and joy, and community, much celebrated around the world. Music had supported and helped to lead the way…
Showing and Telling
Over the past year I have been running a series of events connected with the textile collection. The collection includes costume (the photograph left is a detail from an Adire robe from Nigeria, and the image below is a detail from Heather Barnett’s “Formanifera” curtains. These events have been held (mostly) in the local Regent…