Tag: appropriation

  • Black History Month

    February is Black History Month, a celebration that is marked by the birthdays of famous abolitionist Americans: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Black History Month is recognised in the North America, Europe and Africa, and in the USA the annual event has a theme. This year it is “African Americans and Labor“ The music, fashion…

  • Thula Mntwana/ Dingaka Lullaby

    Thula Mntwana is a well-known and much-loved song from South Africa, but it has a troubled history. In 1964 the film Dingaka was released. It told the story of a man seeking revenge on those who had killed his daughter, and his subsequent trial for murder. The film (you can see it on the YouTube…

  • Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea, the most populous of the Pacific islands, the world’s third largest island country and the most linguistically diverse with 839 known languages, boasts rich cultures, some of which include the making of tapa (barkcloth). Tapa is made by pounding and crushing plant material, drying the resulting layer, and then using it for…

  • Beadwork from South Africa

    The beadwork from Africa is probably best-known from South Africa where geometric patterns and bright colours have come to symbolise the country. In this article, from Google Arts and Culture, pieces from Iziko Museums of South Africa are shown along with texts about the various people who make and wear the beadwork. Another article from…

  • Madras check

    Madras check

    The familiar sight of Madras check has a long heritage, and has its origins in everyday casual wear. Born in what was Madras, now Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu, the hand-woven cotton cloth was originally dyed with vegetable colours that ran together when washed, giving a blended look to the soft fabric. It…

  • Appropriation or appreciation – who makes the decisions?

    The artist, Yinka Shonibare, has long employed art to explore and expose colonial attitudes, using cloth that originated in the Dutch colonies and that are now associated with Africa, to highlight the role of the textile industry in world trading relationships. It is a clear example of cultural appropriation. But sometimes the lines are blurry.…

  • Appropriation or appreciation – introduction

    When does appreciation turn into some else? What makes using something “appropriation” and what doesn’t? What is “appropriation” anyway? This week sees the first entry in a series of articles in which I will be looking at the topic and opening up a discussion. Readers are welcome to join in the debate by commenting on…

  • Appropriation or appreciation?

    Recently friends have been asking the current Big Question: what, in my opinion, is the difference between appropriation and appreciation? These days, appropriation is a Hot Topic and rightly so. For centuries people have been borrowing from others to create, and often the original creators have not benefitted. As an example, the song “The Lion…