Tag: playlist
CTANZ symposium
The Costume and Textile Association of New Zealand is fast approaching. Here is the latest newsletter from the organisation about it. I am doing a talk about Shetland Tweed and there are plenty of other informative and useful talks and events to be inspired by. https://mailchi.mp/58d3e2113851/ctanz-social-fabric-symposium-2024-i-speaker-line-up?e=cdce4db450
An Egyptian addition
The blog this week starts with a new addition to the collection. Thanks to a reader who thought of the collection when chatting to a friend about an inheritance, there are now two pieces from Egypt in store to research and share. In the 18th and 19th Centuries Egyptian Revival swept the world but it…
This week’s blog
Without our readers the blog would not exist. This week all the entries are from links that people have sent in to share as well as to a new addition for the collection that came about because of a reader. It is a joy to get messages from across the globe and a delight to…
This week’s Spotify playlist
Each week a playlist is curated to reflect the items on the blog. Some are obviously connected and some are more obscure. To listen, click on the playlist above or search for “Music to read a blog by” on Spotify. Paid Spotify subscribers will be able to hear all the tracks in their entirety, uninterrupted…
Karen Lamonte
Karen LaMonte has been exploring beauty, identity, gender and the natural world since 1990 through glass, ceramic, paper, bronze, iron and marble, sculpture and printmaking. Now based in Prague, in 2007 the American artist travelled to Japan where she studied the design, symbolism, construction and significance of kimono, turning those studies into ceramic, cast glass,…
This week’s Spotify playlist
Each week a playlist is curated on Spotify to go along with the blog. The pieces chosen reflect the articles in some way and are a mixture of old and new, folk, traditional and classical music. Sometimes there are surprises – bird song or ocean sounds – and it is always fun to search out…
Stars – a Conversation and Cloth event
This coming week, on Wednesday 26th June, there will be a Conversation and Cloth event in Hokitika. At 5:30 in the library I will be talking about the stars, an appropriate topic for Matariki. I will have some of the stars of the collection, such as the one pictured below, with me and will present…
Venice and the Biennale – part two
The Venice Biennale’s traditional site is the Giardini, public gardens created by Napoleon at the start of the 19th Century. The first years of the exhibition saw more than 200,000 people attend the venues and over the decades since buildings have been erected to house country pavilions, showcasing artists and ideas from around the globe,…
This week’s Spotify playlist
Each week a curated playlist from Spotify is made for the blog. The playlist references articles in some way and this week it features music from and about Venice, as well as pieces that have a link with the artists who are represented at the Biennale.
Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi
Venice has long been known for its music, art and artists. In the narrow route along a canal that leads past Peggy Guggenheim’s gallery of European and American art is a small shop with windows that tell of the artistic eye of Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi. Enchanting and wondrous, this shop is a destination for the…