Category: Uncategorized
The Spotify playlist this week
Each week a curated list of music and sounds is created to go along with the blog. Each of the pieces reflects something on the blog, sometimes obviously and sometimes less so. To listen click on the Player button above. Full subscriptions will hear all the pieces, free subscriptions will hear the audio with advertising…
Feedback on the blog
Many thanks to everyone who responded to last week’s request for feedback. It is appreciated. Some things readers said… Phew! That is a good amount of great feedback, isn’t it? There are some things that people have suggested might make the blog better to read. These are technical things such as the placement of the…
A request
Dear gentle readers, Every so often I ask you what you would like to see more of on the blog, and what you don’t like. As our seasons change and we slip into winter in the Southern Hemisphere, with indoor pursuits taking over our leisure time, it seems an opportune moment to ask that question.…
A visit to Nelson
Last weekend, Easter, we spent some time in Nelson and this week the blog is all about the things we found up there. I hope you enjoy the articles. Thank you to everyone who sent messages last week to us. We appreciate the thoughts.
Waitangi Day
This Tuesday is a holiday in Aotearoa New Zealand for Waitangi Day. The history of this holiday is complex, not to mention contested. It is the day when Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi began to be signed. This agreement between Māori tribes and the British Crown is considered to be the founding…
The blog’s return
Happy New Year. dear readers! I hope you have had a good break and enjoyed some peaceful time over the festivities. The fireworks for New Year celebrations were rained off in Greymouth but on Friday this week the town gathered on the top of the floodwall that lines the river to watch the display. It…
Appropriation or appreciation – finding new ways to share
For the past couple of weeks the blog has been looking at the thorny issue of appropriation: when does using someone else’s culture become “theft” and when is it actually an acknowledgement of the value inherent in the objects of that culture? What is actually at stake when we make use of culture to create?…
Last week’s links
Last week there was a hiccough on the blog. Well, actually, to tell the truth, it was more than a hiccough. The blog and its associated website decided to go down completely and nothing could resurrect it. So, once again, welcome to a new website and blog! Fingers crossed that this time it is all…
Nau mai, haere Mai (a New Zealand welcome)
This week sees the official launch of the new website. Our readers might have noticed a few changes going on over the past few months, and there are more to come. The blog (and website) has been going since 2007. In that year I remember becoming frustrated with the way blogs were disappearing from the…